
Posts Tagged ‘chapter 15’

24-hour comics day present, future & past

This Saturday, October 1, is 24-hour Comics Day, and Matt takes the opportunity to reminisce about the repercussions of his 24-hour comic experience, many moons ago. more

24-hour Comics Day approaching

One day a year, venues all over the globe (and online) sign up to host 24-hour comics marathons. This year, that day is October 2, or more precisely, October 2-October 3 (10 am to 10 am). more

Student guide chapter 15: 24-Hour Comic

Chapter 15 closes out the book with a fun creative challenge: the 24-hour comic. more

Teacher’s guide chapter 15: 24-Hour Comic

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15.1 Marathon cartooning As an in-class project, obviously you’d need to take the 3-hour (or 6-hour, if your class is long) option on the marathon cartooning project, but even so, it is well worth taking the class time to do it. Every time we teach the 3-hour comic, there are two or three students who Read More more