Hilary Allison
JP Kim
Lior Zaltzman
Jarod Roselló
Mari Ahokoivu
We would like to thank our former students who have kindly allowed us to use their work on this site. Below is a list of their names as well as some links to their personal sites so you can see what they are working on now. (contributors, please send us new or updated links if we don’t have them posted yet!)
Shannon Alexander
Megan Baehr http://www.friedwontons.com/index/
Lilli Carré http://www.lillicarre.com/
Beryl Chung
Louis DiStefano
Pascal Dizin http://dizin-art.com/
Nate Doyle
Eamon Espey http://www.wormdye.com/main.html
Hilary Florido http://hilaryflorido.blogspot.com/
Miriam Gibson
Sam Holleran
Nina Isaacson http://laninacomix.blogspot.com/
Karin Kross
Erik Kuntz 2badmicedesign.com, hexlibriscomic.com, dogadayproject.com
Eun Jee Lee
David Luján
Claude Martins
Matt & Jessica’s SVA Storytelling class, 2005-2008
Veronica Meewes
Sarena Melchert
Anna Moriarty Lev
Kat Morris
Ella Morton
Dino Pai
Chari Pere http://www.charipere.com/
Lia Powers
Siobhan Renfroe
Lydia Roberts
Jung Yeon Roh jungyeonroh.blogspot.com
Roy Schwartz
Chris Sinderson
Nick Sumida
Gabriel Tick
Dale Wallain