Educators, whether in a school, university, museum, library, or non-traditional venue, are the primary audience for We aim to provide both practical resources as well as inspiration.
If you are using one of our books to teach, then first and foremost you should take a look at the chapter-by-chapter teacher guides to Drawing Words & Writing Pictures and Mastering Comics, wherein you’ll find tips for preparing and teaching each chapter, some links and downloads, as well as examples of other students’ work on many activities from the books with comments and suggestions from Matt & Jessica.
We’ve got some lists below of popular and recommended posts for you to look through for ideas to implement in your comics-making or -reading classes.
We’ve also got lesson plans and activities gathered here for you. We hope to add a dedicated section for these in Resources soon, but for the time being will keep the lists here.
Lesson Plan & Syllabus Terminology Some clarification on how we’re using common terms.
15-week DWWP class A syllabus for a full intro to making comics course using DWWP.
10-week DWWP class A syllabus for a shorter, 10-12 week intro to comics course.
2-week workshop for teens A two-week intensive syllabus that includes use of computers (for scanning and designing comics)
3-day comics workshop A basic syllabus for a 3-day workshop
4-day comics writing syllabus A workshop syllabus with an emphasis on writing comics (in thumbnail form), instead of finished work.
5-day intensive DWWP class A basic 5-day intensive.
Some categories of special interest for you
- Comics academe: about schools and programs that teach comics
- Tools and techniques
- Demos and Tutorials
- Videos
- Making comics