
Author Archive

Weekly Twitter round-up for 2011-04-08

A weekly round-up of our tweets about comics and education. more

Notables 2010: Henrik Rehr’s Reykjavik

In Henrik Rehr’s book-length abstract comic you can detect traces of brush and pen lines and conventional marks—such as cross-hatching and drybrush—that are associated with representative art, but there is no clear narrative to be found. Instead, Rehr’s pages take us on a voyage of constantly mutating layouts where even the rectangular panels are skewed, overlapped with other panels, or almost overwhelmed by stormy, heaving backgrounds. more

Notables 2010: Jason Overby’s Exploding Head Man

Jason Overby is a true original—at a time when our medium is cranking out all kinds of diverse and innovative work—whose comics take the form of a meandering essay on the uses and meanings of comics, art, and life. more

Notables 2010: Chris Onstad’s The Great Outdoor Fight

Webcomics can be very hard to get into mid-stream so it’s great to have this collection of Chris Onstad’s Achewood which you gives you a complete arc as an introduction. more

Activity: Improvised one-page comic using live models

This ambitious activity combines life drawing with cartooning by having students draw live models directly into narrative scenarios in sequeqnce on a single sheet of paper. A major goal is to see how the spontaneity and expressiveness of life drawing might be harnessed into the service of comics—comics teachers observe all the time students who don’t have the skills yet to draw from their head, or who are too caught up in a particular drawing style, yet when they draw a human figure from observation they can produce lovely, confident drawings. more

Weekly Twitter round-up for 2011-04-01

A weekly round-up of our tweets about comics and education. more

A quick report after NECAC 2011

If you were at the NECAC conference last weekend and are visiting this site for the first time: welcome, and please have a look around! more

Notables 2010: Jesse Moynihan’s Follow Me

A book/world made of more-or-less interrelated short stories that mix banal everyday rhythms with the absurd and the psychedelic by an author to keep an eye on. more

Weekly Twitter round-up for 2011-03-25

A weekly round-up of our tweets about comics and education. more

Notables 2010: Tom Motley et al.’s Made Out of “Mac” (True Fiction #8)

A series of variations and transformations of what is perhaps the single most-parodied page of comics ever, the famous “Insult that Made a Man out of ‘Mac'” comic used to advertise the Charles Atlas correspondence bodybuilding course in old comic books. The original comic is opened to new vistas of post-modernism, literary allusion, absurdist humor, and even a touch of the poetic. more