
Posts Tagged ‘inking’

Getting all meta

I confused myself by masking a drawing of a masked drawing of someone inking using a toothbrush, and then inking it with a toothbrush… more

Video: Making corrections

Matt gave a quick demo on making corrections by hand while at the Huntington Museum. He runs over several standard steps of correcting a page, and also touches on subtractive drawing and pasting down corrections on new paper. more

Student guide chapter 8: Inking the Deal

Chapter 8 introduces nib pens, the classic tool for inking comics. more

Teacher’s guide chapter 8: Inking the Deal

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General note: this is a chapter with two essays on related topics: inking with a pen and making corrections on art. 8.1 Inking with a nib pen A demo of different kinds of nibs is the best supplement to this essay. You can have the students do a warm-up activity based on the practice line Read More more