
Posts Tagged ‘guest post’

Guest post: About teaching comics, part 2

Mari Ahokoivu takes us through part 2 of her development as a cartoonist and a teacher of comics. more

Guest post: About teaching comics, part 1

Mari Ahokoivu featured on our blog a month or so ago with her wonderful direct drawing activity. Now she’s back as a (we hope) regular contributor with a look into to her history as a teacher and her teaching philosophy. When she asked, “Can I draw the post?” I knew we had a winner! Look for parts 2 and 3 in the next week or so. more

Guest post: Lior reports on Ludovic Debeurme’s SVA visit, April 2011

Ludovic Debeurme doesn’t have a script or an idea of the full storyline before he starts to work on a book. Rather, he starts with visuals and characters and allows for digressions.This way of work helps him to make connections that he otherwise wouldn’t have made. more

Guest post: teaching Shaun Tan’s The Arrival in a secondary school English class

I’m an English teacher from Cambridge, England. I work in an 11-18 comprehensive school, teaching students across the full age and ability range. Like most English teachers in the UK, almost all the reading I do with students in the classroom involves purely print-based texts. However, for a while I’ve been wanting to explore how teaching comics might work in an English classroom. more