Paul Hoppe, “The Horror.” Horror of Rabid Rabbit, no. 9. 2008
Paul Hoppe’s nearly-people-free story “The Horror” examines what your brain can invent out of ordinary reality to scare the pants off you. I love the implication of something just around every corner, and I completely recognize that feeling of dread you can get out of nowhere, that you then can’t quite shake or talk yourself out of. The complete 2-pager is below.
Age: grades 7-8
What is this “Notable” thing all about? Matt and Jessica are the series editors for the Best American Comics, and are responsible for the Notable Comics list at the back of the book, which is comprised of virtually all the comics we sent to the guest editor that weren’t picked, as well as a number of others that we think are noteworthy for various reasons, but that we didn’t send to the guest editor.
We’ve always hoped readers will delve a bit into the list to find more great stories once they finish reading BAC. Realistically, though, we know that’s tough. What can you know about a story from a title and author? So this is one of a series of posts focusing on each of the Notables from the 2010 Best American Comics.
Have or know of a comic we should look at? Find submission info here.
1 Comment to Notables 2010: Paul Hoppe’s The Horror
by Paul Hoppe
On March 3, 2011 at 5:44 pm
Thanks so much, Matt and Jessica, I feel very honored to be part of this list!