
Posts Tagged ‘penciling’

Drawing comics live demo: report

At a recent conference at the University of Iowa, I drew a six-panel comic in front of six 25-minute sessions of middle- and high-school kids, one panel at a time. It was a chance to talk naturally about the order of work, the materials needed, and to show all the behind-the-scenes action. more

Matt’s comics process I: from thumbs to lettering

This is the first of a two-part post where I’ll walk you through the method I used to make a typical comics page. more

Guest post: Nick Bertozzi talks process

Nick Bertozzi is an amazingly talented and prolific cartoonist, a teacher, and a good friend. I was thrilled when I saw this post about the process he used to make his new book Lewis & Clark over at the First Second blog, and asked if we could repost it here. If you’re in NYC, come celebrate the book release with Nick at Bergen Street Comics on Friday, Feb 25. Matt and I will be there, too! more

Student guide chapter 5: Penciling

In Chapter 5 we get into penciling comics. It’s the first of several chapters devoted at least in part to the myriad technical skills used in making comics. In this section you’ll find student examples of the homework. more

Teacher’s guide chapter 5: Penciling

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5.1 Penciling comics This is the first chapter of purely hands-on, technical work. You don’t really need to plan a lecture on penciling, though it can be helpful to do a demo. You can use prepared materials (along the lines of the before-and-after pages we show on pages 53-54), or a set of original pencils Read More more