
Posts Tagged ‘on the road’

Day 5: Comic Kraze @ the Wolfsonian

We finally had enough work done that we started to get finished projects up on the blog! Most students finished their pictureless comics, scanned them, cleaned them up, and posted them. It’s a pretty great-looking bunch of pages, so check them out. more

Days 3 & 4: Comic Kraze @ the Wolfsonian

This week’s main project: a one sheet micro-mini utilizing a real location in Miami Beach. We figured out the proportions for a 150% larger original size, and the students laid out 8 pages in their sketchbooks, and went out drawing with Caiphus in the afternoon. more

Days 1 & 2: Comic Kraze at the Wolfsonian

Yesterday (Monday) after introductions, we plunged right into jam comics (the final work is on the class blog). Thirteen pages of comics in 45 minutes! Awesome! Now everyone is a cartoonist. more

Building a core library: comics for high school students

As part of my preparations to teach a workshop to high school students at the Miami Wolfsonian Museum in a few weeks, I’m trying to put together a quite short list of books the Wolf could buy and have available for the kids to read. more

PNCA Portland workshop 4-day comics writing syllabus

As I promised last week when I posted 2008 Portland workshop follow up, here’s the syllabus we followed for that class. Looking back on it now, it seems like we probably could have put more detail in there! But the group was so dynamic, and with our (then) new textbook in hand, we never felt Read More more

2-week workshop for teens: planning stages

I’m designing a whole new curriculum, which, though based on others I’ve done, still poses a lot of interesting new questions and problems. I thought I’d throw it out here as I go and see if anyone has any ideas about what I’m planning. I’ll continue to post updates as I develop this workshop, and I plan to blog it while in Miami Beach in late June. more

2008 Portland workshop follow up

We didn’t have this blog back in 2008 when we taught an intensive workshop at the Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA), so we’re taking this opportunity to catch up with some students from that program. more

3-day comics workshop: the Huntington report

Matt and I were in Huntington WV in February as Walter Gropius Master Artists at the Huntington Museum of Art. (I also gave a talk at Marshall University.) The museum hung a large show of our work (in conjunction with the opening of the LitGraphic show) and we offered an intensive workshop to residents of the area—a soup-to-nuts “how to think about and make comics” workshop in just two and a half days. more

Images from an exhibition: Huntington Museum

Our exhibition at the Huntington Museum had a very teachable angle: since there was some more recent work of ours in the LitGraphic show, open at the same time, we went with an “early work” approach for this exhibition. more