
Archive for the ‘Writing Comics’ Category

Links: tools for cartoonists and writers

Here’s a grab bag of links to help you get work done and get it published. more

Activity: text/image dissonance game

The basic idea of this weird and fun activity is that you give students a one page comic with all the dialogue and narration whited out of the balloons and boxes. They fill in text while deliberately disregarding any correspondence to the images–the goal is “nonsense”. Then each student compares his or her comic with the others and they collectively discuss which ones make the most sense when read as a comic and which, if any, can really be said to make no sense at all. more

PNCA Portland workshop 4-day comics writing syllabus

As I promised last week when I posted 2008 Portland workshop follow up, here’s the syllabus we followed for that class. Looking back on it now, it seems like we probably could have put more detail in there! But the group was so dynamic, and with our (then) new textbook in hand, we never felt Read More more

Activity: panel lottery, an exercise in narrative juxtaposition and editing

This is a collaborative game activity we came up with in order to teach principles of panel-by-panel storytelling. It is inspired by Scott McCloud’s 5 Card Nancy and can be done in a classroom or in a more informal context. more